Friday, January 12, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Well, i went to the dentist again today and got my tooth fixed again....Same tooth with a temporary. I have to go back in a couple of weeks because the gums need to heal. They did a little cutting yesterday and so the gum was in the healing process.
Todays temp right now is 18 degrees (9:14PM) central standard time.
I did some more painting of the kitchen wall that Kathy is going to put a design on. I had to put a base coat and a shinny coat on today . its about ready for her to start her design. I think she will start working on it tomorrow (Friday 1-12-2007).
Looks like we will be going to Michigan on Saturday instead of Sunday or Monday. Poor weather conditions on Sunday and Monday part of the way to Ypsilanti, Michigan. Its possible that Kathy will stay longer then I will. Rollie is getting an interview at Michigan State and so Kathy might have to watch the kids until a baby sitter type of situation is arranged.

I am listening to Old Christian Radio on my pc as i write this. This station if from Grand Prairie, Texas. The browser address is You should try this station. Its great!
It plays the old good old real hymns not the so called Christian Rock...None of that praise God!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

No Title...Just a diary

Well today I went to the U of M to the Dentist. I had a young student gal working on my teeth. It was a bit of a challenge for her as she ran out of time before the job was done ... In a hurry she put the old temporary back on the tooth post she was working on and was a bit careless. Well, i stopped for a Subway on the way home. When i got home i found a piece of cheese to eat. Soft cheese that is, and eating the cheese pulled off the temporary tooth...No i had to go back tomorrow to the dentist again an get it fixed again...hopefully correct this time.
In the last afternoon i painted one of the kitchen walls a lite yellow(primer). I had been working on the wall fixing the popped nails and putting in some permanent screws. Then i had to fill all the holes. That was done a few days ago. After i put on the paint i noticed that i missed some places that needed smoothing out. Well, i fixed the problem areas and repainted. Looks very nice now.
Had spaghetti for supper with Kath. I fixed most of the supper as Kath went to Curves. She goes to curves about 3 times a week. I am going to sign up for anytimefittness when i come back from Michigan. We are going to Michigan next Sunday. Now I should check my stocks and see where I am. Cold out today. Right now it is 31 degrees at 8:15PM..

See yah later.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

I don' know

How life has gone for me is, sometimes boring, sometimes great and sometimes I wish i did something else. You know how it goes.
The basics for me is to do what is right, do what is just and help people when ever i can.
Right now i am starting the new blog. I am not sure how this will go as some won't like what they read.....Thats the way it is....
Everybody has at one time or another (I think) whishes they would have done things differently as they grow older...Some of us are older then others and we do have a lot of information that others have not yet encountered and some may never. Like i started getting involved in computers before there were any personal computers. Now you are dating me.... Thats ok tho...
I have enjoyed where i have been and hopefully will continue to enjoy where i am going.
I have always enjoyed computers. I have used them most of my life and hopefully will continue to enjoy them until i go home to be with the Lord Jesus. Now you just learned more about me. I let out a clue.
Today i went to Somerset Wisconsisn.. Its a nice little town but i had some business to do there. I was only there a couple of hours checking on some manufacturing operations.

Then i left and had lunch a KFC. I love KFC chicken. I could just about eat it everyday. How about you? Do you like KFC.... Lots of people do...Some don't.


I wish i would have done better in school when i was younger. I hope some of you young people consider paying attention in your years of school. The main thing I wish i would have done when i was younger was to LEARN HOW TO STUDY. This is almost the most important thing you can do in you life. Learn how to study annnnnnnnnnnnd read lots of books. Don't just look at the review about them for your book report. Read the book. You have lots of time even though you think you don't.

Well, this will be continued at another time.